Search and Bulk Actions

RequestTrackerPro includes a comprehensive search tool that makes finding tickets associated with particular users, categories, or even responding agent a breeze. Search also includes a Bulk Action function that lets user agents rapidly move, resolve, or edit support ticket attributes.

You can access the Search feature from the main dashboard:

Different search fields are best used for searching by different criteria. For example, if a customer calls, they may not know their support ticket number or the agent that helped them, so you can use their name or email address. Below, you can learn what each of the search fields are best used for.

Note that you can use as many or as few search fields as you like.

You can view all existing tickets by leaving all search fields empty, and clicking Search.

Search Fields

Below are the fields that you can use to search for tickets.

  • Customer name: search for support tickets by a customer’s name. You can use either full name like John Smith, or a partial name like Smith.
  • Sender: search for tickets based on either the email address of the customer, or the SMS number they used to contact support.
  • Subject: search by support subject line.
  • Ticket Number: search by ticket number. Use the CONTAINS dropdown to search for partial ticket number matches, or select IS to find only specific tickets.
  • Owner is: search for tickets worked by specific support agents. This can be useful to more carefully observe how a particular support agent interacts with customers.
  • Queue: search for tickets in a specific queue.
  • Category: search for tickets with a specific category.
  • Status: search for tickets based on their status, like Open, Stalled, or Resolved.
  • Order By: the sequence you want your search results to appear in.

For example, if you wanted to see all open tickets sent to your tech support team for a service outage, you would use the following search options:

Press the Search button to execute your search.

The Search Results Screen

After executing a search, matching tickets will appear in the Search Results screen. From here, you can see ticket information like status, age and heatmap color, and which agent worked the ticket.

To review a specific ticket, click on it, where you can change its attributes.

Ticket Bulk Actions

You can also perform bulk actions on your search results, allowing you to quickly change the status of multiple tickets, move multiple tickets to a different queue, or even merge multiple tickets together.

Bulk Action options:

  • New, Open, Stalled, Resolved, Follow-Up: change the status of the selected tickets.
  • Merge Ticket: merge the selected tickets into a single ticket.
  • Move to Queue: move the selected tickets to a different queue.

To perform bulk actions:

  1. Click the selection box next to one or more tickets.
  2. Click the Bulk Action dropdown menu.
  3. Select which bulk action you want to perform.

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