Rule Creation Tutorial


This article provides a pair of tutorials to create rules in RequestTrackerPro. Before you begin, it might be helpful to learn how rules work in RequestTrackerPro, and to review rule timing, conditions, and actions first.

Rule Tutorial 1: Assign Service Outage Tickets to Intern

It happens to the best of us: the servers go down. Your engineers are aware of the problem and a fix is coming, and you’re bound to receive incoming support tickets. Responding to service outage tickets can be easy and fast, especially with canned responses, but that still ties up some of their valuable time. Tasks like these are fantastic for interns!

In this example, we’re going to create a rule that automatically assigns all support messages sent to to Sally.

From the Create Rule Screen:

  1. Rule Name: Assign outage tickets to Sally.
  2. Rule Description: Sends all incoming service outage tickets to the intern Sally.
  3. Fire Rule When: On Reception, and Every Email Received.
  4. Conditions:  To Email —> IS —>
  5. Actions: Set Owner To —> Sally
  6. Click Create.

Move High-Value Customer Tickets to Special Queue

If one of your customers represents a large portion of your installation base, it’s very important to take care of them and not let any issues slip through the cracks. To help ensure this, you can set a rule that moves any incoming support message from the important customer to a dedicated queue, where your agents can rapidly solve their issues.

In this example, we’re going to move all incoming tickets from the email domain to the queue High Value Customers.

From the Create Rule Screen:

  1. Rule Name: White glove support.
  2. Rule Description: Moves all support tickets from @ImportantCustomer to the High Value Customers Queue.
  3. Fire Rule When: On Reception, and Every Email Received.
  4. Conditions: From Email —> Contains —>
  5. Actions: Set Queue to —> High Value Customers
  6. Click Create.

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